Workshop formats
per personThe workshop in detail
Give a new lease of life to your favourite clothes!
Julie invites you to dive into the world of sewing and embroidery during a two-hour workshop, where you'll have the opportunity to modernise and adorn your own piece of clothing.
As soon as you arrive at the workshop, Julie will warmly welcome you with a drink, setting the stage for a friendly gathering. You'll uncover the secrets of clothing repair while delving into the fascinating art of creative mending and its tools.
Set your creativity free by choosing from various techniques to embellish your garment. You can opt for embroidery, adding a piece of fabric, and much more.
Needles at the ready! Let your needle glide across the fabric as you breathe life into your unique vision.
Finally, you'll add the finishing touches to your creation to give it the shine it deserves.
At the end of the workshop, you'll leave with your repaired garment, enhanced and adorned with your very own artistic touch. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your wardrobe while expressing your creativity!
Note: For this workshop, you'll need to bring your own garment to mend.
Workshop location
The studio is easily accessible by public transport.
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Practical information
For this workshop, you'll need to bring your own garment to be mended.
As soon as you arrive at the workshop, the textile designer will give you a warm welcome and share a drink with you.
Textile designer
Meet Julie, a passionate textile designer who has elevated upcycling to a true art form.
She breathes new life into vintage and artisanal textiles from diverse cultures by crafting unique pieces, all handmade in Brussels.
Julie first pursued her studies in Applied Arts in France before settling in Brussels to further her expertise in fashion styling and textile design at La Cambre. It was here that she developed a fascination with the language and history of fabrics, as well as patterns and artisanal techniques.
With a rich and varied background, this self-taught artist made her debut in Haute Couture and the world of entertainment, collaborating with legends like Jean-Paul Gaultier in Paris and dressing numerous artists for their stage performances.
In 2011, Julie took destiny into her own hands by launching her own creative studio. Today, she oversees every step of the creative process, from conception to production and distribution.
Her creations have made waves at numerous festivals and exhibitions, both in Belgium and abroad, from alternative events during Brussels Fashion Week to Bangkok and Geneva. In 2018, her works even found their place in the Brussels Lace and Fashion Museum.
The designer is passionate about textiles and their history, as well as the origin of patterns across cultures and eras. Her approach is deeply committed, placing responsible consumption and the promotion of artisanal craftsmanship at the heart of her creation.
Her boutique studio, nestled in the heart of the Marolles district, mirrors her persona: a place that's charming and inspiring, where creativity reigns supreme.
Join Julie's workshop and breathe life into pieces imbued with meaning and history.
Aurore D
Un petit Êcrin au centre ville pour un atelier très personnalisÊ ! J'avais amenÊ plusieurs pièces pour leur donner une seconde (ou troisième...) vie et tout plein de questions. J'ai des pistes et des rÊponses pour tout et on a pu terminer une pièce et en commencer une deuxième ! Merci encore à Julie !
Barbara V
Très chouette atelier dans l'univers crÊatif et colorÊ de Julie. Elle a ÊtÊ très à l'Êcoute de mon projet et m'a proposÊ une solution parfaite, que j'ai pu rÊaliser grâce à ses conseils durant ces deux heures qui ont passÊ très vite. Je suis repartie avec plein d'idÊes et un peu de materiel pour continuer !
charlène m
J'ai fait l'atelier "donner une deuxième vie à vos vêtements" et Julie a ÊtÊ super! Très gentille, très patiente! J'ai appris deux techniques de couture pendant ce cours qui est passÊ super vite! et je peux maintenant remettre mon pull prÊfÊrÊ que j'avais mis au placard car il avait des trous et s'Êtait abÎmÊ au niveau des coudes! Encore merci pour ce chouette moment!
Laura P
We had a fantastic time with Julie. She was kind and patient and very knowledgable. Her atelier is beautiful - full of light and creativity! We took a number of items and we finished two, started one and had suggestions for the final one. We were very happy and inspired by the workshop.