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Create your own 100% natural aromatherapy body oil

Wecandoo - Create your own 100% natural aromatherapy body oil - Image nĀ°1
Wecandoo - Create your own 100% natural aromatherapy body oil - Image nĀ°2
Wecandoo - Create your own 100% natural aromatherapy body oil - Image nĀ°3
Wecandoo - Create your own 100% natural aromatherapy body oil - Image nĀ°4
Wecandoo - Create your own 100% natural aromatherapy body oil - Image nĀ°5
Wecandoo - Create your own 100% natural aromatherapy body oil - Image nĀ°6
Wecandoo - Create your own 100% natural aromatherapy body oil - Image nĀ°7

1.5 hours of discovery with Suzana

Knowledge in cosmetics

Your 100% natural massage oil

The workshop in detail

  • 1h30
  • 15 years min.
  • 4 to 12 participants
  • Up to 15 people for a privatization
  • During this workshop, you will create your own aromatherapy body oil.Ā 

    First, Suzana will explain the concept of her shop & how she exclusively uses products that are completely natural and even edible.Ā 

    Then, you will choose the suggested ingredients to create the perfect massage oil that is adapted to your needs (skin type, desired effects, etc.).Ā 

    Suzana will help you create your perfect synergy of essential oils.Ā 

    You will leave this workshop with a body massage oil that will do you only good!Ā 

    Workshop location

    The workshop is easily accessible by public transport (Brussels-Central).

    This place is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

    Additional information

    Languages of the workshop


    Wecandoo - Meet Suzana Vukcevic - Oh Lou Lou!Ā®

    Meet Suzana Vukcevic - Oh Lou Lou!Ā®

    Cosmetic Creator

    In her thirties, Suzana was facing many health problems.

    These were the product of a busy working life, constant stress, poor diet and frequent travel.

    As conventional Western medicine offered no answers, she and her partner began to look for alternatives.

    Her healing journey involved understanding what she was really putting on her skin. The skin is the largest organ and is extremely absorbent, which contributes significantly to our overall health.

    This led them to discover the dirty little secrets of the cosmetics industry.

    It turns out that traditional cosmetics contain dangerous toxins such as heavy metals, phthalates and hundreds of others linked to cancer, hormonal disorders, fertility problems...

    The path to healing has been tenacious and has opened up a whole new world for discovering natural herbal remedies, oriental herbal medicine and aromatherapy.

    It became clear that only natural and edible ingredients should be used on the skin. However, a 100% pure natural cosmetic product was impossible to find on the market.

    This is how "Oh Lou Lou" was born. A small family venture with a big dream to make the world greener and better.

    They make 100% natural, 100% organic cosmetics with edible ingredients and ZERO man-made chemicals.

    Motto: "Can't eat it? Don't put it on your skin!"


    Jocelyne T

    Jocelyne T


    Atelier que je recommande vivement! Suzana a une parfaite connaissance des produits quā€™elle fabrique et conditionne dans sa belle boutique du centre ville. Lā€™huile fabriquĆ©e par mes soins lors de lā€™atelier sur les conseils de Suzana est parfaite pour ma peau. Notre atelier a largement dĆ©passĆ© le temps prĆ©vu, Suzana ne comptant pas ses heures pour nous transmettre sa passion. Atelier Ć  recommander!

    Sophie C

    Sophie C


    Je suis super satisfaite de lā€™huile corporelle que jā€™ai pu composer cet aprĆØs midi guidĆ©e par les prĆ©cieux conseils de Suzana. Jā€™ai appris beaucoup plus que je ne lā€™espĆ©rait car elle est passionnĆ©e et sais partager son savoir en toute simplicitĆ©. Lā€™atelier Ć©tait convivial et le magasin est magnifique.

    Kathleen M

    Kathleen M


    J'ai passĆ© une bonne soirĆ©e. trĆØs instructif et j'ai acquis beaucoup de connaissances. merci d'avoir donnĆ© cet atelier. Je le recommanderais Ć  tout le monde.

    so k

    so k


    ExpƩrience gƩniale, Suzanna nous a fait rentrer dans son monde, elle a ƩnormƩment de connaissances et est passionnante !!!

    Patience N

    Patience N


    Ce workshop Ć©tait extrĆŖmement passionnant. Suzanna et son mari vous accueille avec beaucoup de gentillesse dans leurs shop. Vous y apprendrez bien plus que vous pensez connaĆ®tre sur les huiles essentielles. Merci pour ce bon moment !

    Marie G

    Marie G


    Atelier passionnant que je recommande fortement ! Nous avons pu en apprendre davantage sur la composition des produits de beautĆ© et crĆ©er notre propre huile de massage aux huiles essentielles, sur les conseils avisĆ©s de Suzana, dans une ambiance chaleureuse et bienveillante. Petit plus, Suzana nous accueille dans sa trĆØs belle boutique !

    Sara B

    Sara B


    Suzana a Ć©tĆ© super avec nous, trĆØs professionnelle et trĆØs intĆ©rressante. Nous avons beaucoup appris sur les plantes (qu'on ait des connaissances basiques ou plus Ć©levĆ©es) et nous avons surtout passĆ© un excellent moment tous ensemble. Suzana sait comment instaurer une chouette atmosphĆØre afin de profiter du moment, avec ses proches mais aussi des inconnus ! Merci pour cet atelier, je ne peux que le recommander (ainsi que les autres ateliers donnĆ©s par Suzana) :)


    per person