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  1. Wecandoo
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  3. Our artisans
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  5. Samantha

Meet Samantha.



Enter Samantha's world where ethical fashion meets traditional craftsmanship. With over 20 years experience, Samantha is an artisan master of hand-printed clothing and accessories.In her cosy studio, Samantha preserves the authenticity of traditional hand-block printing. Starting with inspiration, she carves designs onto blocks and skilfully transforms fabric into wearable art.

Samantha has shown her creations throughout Northeast America, earning praise for their uniqueness and ethical production.

Now she invites you to explore her collection in her Amsterdam store, embodying individuality and conscious living. 

What makes Samantha special is her passion for sharing her craft. Through workshops, she promotes connection and the joy of creating by hand.

Join Samantha on a journey of discovery and delight where fashion meets art!