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  1. Wecandoo
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  3. Our artisans
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  5. Carine

Meet Carine.

Wood marquetry specialist


Carine, the daughter of a cabinet maker, grew up surrounded by the scent of glue and sawdust. She initially pursued studies in communication and marketing, which she financed through a job in the restaurant industry. It was during this time that she discovered her passion for the craft, which she dedicated herself to for fifteen years!

However, back problems eventually forced Carine to leave the restaurant industry. As she searched for a new career path, furniture restoration emerged as a natural choice, combining her love for wood and her desire to breathe new life into objects.

Today, Carine works in a beautiful workshop located at the back of a vintage Italian furniture store, nestled in the heart of Sablon. Diligent and patient, she is eager to share her expertise and also change the perception of marquetry, which enables the creation of fantastic works of art!