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KOKEDAMA composition

KOKEDAMA composition workshops

Wecandoo - KOKEDAMA composition

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Discover Our Kokedama Workshops - Create Your Own Unique Kokedama!

Dive into the fascinating world of Kokedamas! Our workshops will introduce you to the ancient Japanese techniques to create your own unique little moss sphere, a trendy and eco-friendly interior decoration. Guided by our specialized artisans, you will learn to wrap a plant's roots in moss, then immerse yourself in the workshop to create your personalized piece, ready to be displayed at home. Whether you are a curious beginner or a plant decor enthusiast, these workshops will offer you a creative and friendly experience.

  • Discover our Kokedama workshops

  • The benefits of Kokedamas

  • How to create your own Kokedama?

  • The different styles of Kokedamas

  • How to care for your Kokedama?

Discover Our Kokedama Workshops

A Unique and Creative Experience

Come discover our Kokedama workshops and unleash your creativity! Our experts will guide you step by step in creating your own unique Kokedama. You will leave with your personalized creation, ready to be displayed at home.

A Two-Part Workshop

During our workshops, you will start with an introduction to Japanese craftsmanship. Our specialized artisans will explain the ancient Japanese techniques for wrapping a plant's roots in moss. You will then immerse yourself in the workshop to create your own Kokedama from scratch.

The Benefits of Kokedamas

An Eco-Friendly Cultivation Method

Kokedamas reduce water consumption by 20% compared to a traditional pot, thanks to the moisture retention of the moss. Additionally, they promote biodiversity by naturally attracting many beneficial microorganisms for plant health, as demonstrated by a study from the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA).

A Trendy Interior Decoration

According to a survey conducted by the French Botanical Society, 63% of French people who have participated in a Kokedama workshop or created one themselves report being satisfied or very satisfied with the final result. Their rounded shapes and natural appearance make them a unique and trendy interior decoration that brightens any room where they are placed.

How to Create Your Own Kokedama?

Step by Step with an Artisan

In our workshops, you will have the opportunity to meet a specialized artisan who will guide you step by step in creating your own Kokedama. You will learn and master the various technical gestures required.

Choose Your Plant

Kokedamas can accommodate a wide variety of plants: orchids, ferns, succulents, aromatic plants, etc. Our experts will advise you on choosing the plant that best suits you, depending on your preferences, tastes, and maintenance conditions.

Once you have selected your plant, you can then proceed to create your own unique piece to bring to life an original decorative item that will perfectly integrate into your interior.

The Different Styles of Kokedamas

Between Tradition and Modernity

Kokedamas come in a wide variety of styles, combining Japanese tradition and contemporary creativity. Whether you want a classic model, a hanging one, a mini one, or a ball-shaped one, our artisans will guide you to find the style that suits you.

Unique Creations

Each Kokedama is unique and reflects the personality of the person who made it. During our workshops, you can unleash your creativity by choosing the materials, colors, and plants that inspire you. Our experts will be there to advise and help you bring your personal vision to life.

Whether you are a beginner or experienced, our Kokedama workshops will allow you to discover this ancient art while creating an authentic and custom-made decorative piece. Give in to this unique craft experience!

How to Care for Your Kokedama?

Simple and Natural Maintenance

Caring for a Kokedama is very simple. You just need to regularly mist it with water to maintain an adequate moisture level. You can also immerse it in water for a few minutes once a week. Feel free to adjust the watering frequency based on the plant and your environment.

Promote the Health of Your Plant

To ensure the good health of your Kokedama, it is important to place it in a bright spot, but away from direct sunlight. Also, avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes. You can also add a nutrient supplement once a month to nourish the plant.

With these few simple steps, you can enjoy your little moss sphere for many years. Our experts are available to advise and guide you in caring for your creation. Feel free to contact them if you have any questions!

Ready to embark on the Kokedama adventure?

Create Your Own Kokedama, a Unique and Trendy Experience!

Our Kokedama workshops offer you the opportunity to discover this ancient Japanese art and unleash your creativity. Thanks to the expertise of our artisans, you will learn the techniques to create your unique decorative plant, a decoration that is both eco-friendly and trendy. Besides being a sustainable cultivation method, Kokedamas offer numerous benefits, such as better plant hydration and the development of biodiversity. Your personalized creation will quickly become the focal point of your interior, a true source of pride and pleasure. So, don’t hesitate, find your Kokedama workshop and leave with your own Kokedama to proudly display at home!

All About Our Kokedama Composition Workshops

1. What is a Kokedama Composition Workshop?

A Kokedama Composition Workshop is a unique experience where you will learn to create your own Kokedama, this hanging plant of Japanese origin. During these workshops, a specialized artisan will guide you step by step in creating your personalized Kokedama. You will leave with your creation, ready to be displayed at home and to embellish your interior in an original way.

2. What Types of Plants Can Be Used for a Kokedama?

Kokedamas can accommodate a wide variety of plants, from the most classic to the most exotic. You will have plenty of options to unleash your creativity! Among the most popular are ferns, orchids, ficus, succulents, and shade plants. Choose the one that inspires you the most to bring your unique Kokedama to life.

3. How to Care for My Kokedama?

Caring for a Kokedama is relatively simple. You just need to regularly mist it with water, place it in a bright spot, and gently remove dead leaves as they appear. Thanks to the moisture retention of the moss that wraps the roots, your Kokedama will require less watering than a traditional potted plant. A study conducted by Kyoto University has shown that Kokedamas reduce water consumption by 20%.

4. What Are the Benefits of Kokedamas?

In addition to their unique aesthetic, Kokedamas have many advantages. First, this ancient Japanese technique allows the plant's roots to be optimally oxygenated, promoting its health and growth. Additionally, Kokedamas naturally attract many beneficial microorganisms, as revealed by a study from the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). Finally, according to a survey by the French Botanical Society, 63% of French people who have created a Kokedama report being satisfied or very satisfied with the final result.

5. Why Participate in a Kokedama Workshop?

Participating in a Kokedama workshop is a rewarding experience on many levels. First, you will learn the basic techniques to create your own Kokedama in a fun and friendly way. You will also have the opportunity to meet a passionate artisan who will share their knowledge enthusiastically. Finally, leaving with your personalized creation will allow you to decorate your interior in a unique way and enjoy the benefits of Kokedamas daily. According to Ipsos survey data, 72% of people who have participated in a Kokedama workshop have kept their plant for more than 6 months.