Workshop formats
per personThe workshop in detail
Cut, place, staple! Give your stool a vibrant new life alongside Myriam!
The adventure begins with upholstering your removable cushion. The first challenge will be choosing the perfect fabric for your stool from a multitude of options. Think of it as finding the perfect outfit for your furniture.
Then, you'll be divided into small groups for a friendly and interactive experience. You'll discover the basic principles of the upholstery trade. You'll be initiated into the well-kept secrets of cutting and placing foam, batting and fabric.
You'll learn more about the specific tools used and the different materials available, while understanding the importance of proper handling of the pneumatic stapler.
And finally, the finishing touch: attaching the cushion to the wooden structure of the stool, designed in Brussels by Matthieu and Timothy from Regglo, who have transformed recycled wood into a sleek design.
At the end of the workshop, you'll walk away with your one-of-a-kind stool. Your friends will be impressed when you invite them to sit on your stool, knowing that you've literally left your mark on every staple.
Workshop location
Myriam's workshop is right in the heart of the Marolles district.
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Practical information
Rien n'est à prévoir mais veuillez arriver à l'heure prévue par respect pour le groupe.
Cet atelier et déconseillé aux femmes enceintes (surtout durant le dernier trimestre).
Myriam is a self-taught upholsterer. After graduating from university with a BA in Art History, she decided to gain experience in various cultural and voluntary fields, before launching herself as a crafts' entrepreneur with the creation of Machao Design.Â
A project that germinated in the winter of 2018, in the bowels of a dingy couch that she can't bring herself to throw away. It is from these Berber origins that the name of his company Machao originates. Machao, tellem chao is the Berber for "Once upon a time". A thread that continues to link the past with the present...
What really drives her is a passion for upcycling and a love of beautiful things! She spends a lot of time rummaging, recovering discarded items, and likes to give new life to forgotten furniture, left lying in attics.Â
In keeping with her own personal image - a nugget full of smiling and enthusiastic energy - she uses pretty fabrics and wax to modernise her creations.Â
Myriam's workshop is located in a great historical area of Brussels where you can find a lot of second-hand dealers: the Marolles. It is located just a few yards from the Place du Jeu de Balle, an iconic venue where a famous flea market is held every morning.
1 comment
Lisa T
Nous avons été ravis de partager ce moment avec Myriam ! Elle était patiente, intéressante et trÚs joviale. Nous avons appris énormément de choses sur le tapissage de tabouret. Nous sommes repartis avec deux trÚs beaux tabourets. Le choix de tissus était gigantesque. Nous avons pu réaliser des tabourets qui nous ressemblent. Nous n'avons pas vu le temps passer (sans aucun doute, gage de qualité !) :) Bref ! Comblés par ce cadeau ! Nous en garderons un trÚs trÚs beau souvenir. Encore merci à toi Myriam ! :)