Workshop formats
per personThe workshop in detail
This workshop is only for people who have already had an introduction to embroidery and want to improve their skills.
Dive deep into the art of embroidery with Pauline!
This workshop is a natural extension of the 'Learn Embroidery' introductory course and will allow you to broaden your repertoire in this delicate art and explore more of the different hand embroidery techniques so that you can make your first creation with flying colours.
The workshop begins with a presentation of the content, followed by a hands-on introduction to the equipment. Under expert guidance, you'll continue your exploration by discovering a variety of embroidery stitches. You'll then master the basics of embroidery, giving you the autonomy you need to undertake your own creative projects.
At the end of the workshop, you'll leave with your own beautifully embroidered fabric samples. Get ready to rediscover your creations with an advanced perspective on the art of embroidery!
Workshop location
Pauline's workshop is accessible by public transport.
Additional information
Languages of the workshop
Practical information
Pour cet atelier, tout le matĂŠriel est prĂŞtĂŠ sur place, vous n'avez rien besoin d'apporter.
Stylist and Embroiderer
Pauline, a gifted stylist and embroiderer, creates a world where fashion transcends into art, deeply rooted in awareness and purpose.
Educated at ESMOD Paris and the French Institute of Fashion, she leads as the artistic director and founder of LINGE studio.
Her journey extends beyond design, including regular workshops in top department stores, teaching roles in various collaborations and crafting engaging experiences for well-known brands.
Pauline embodies values essential to artisanal craft: patience, expertise and a unique sensitivity.
Her goal is to share her passion for enduring, creative craftsmanship, fostering a sense of community through sharing and mentorship.
Her deeper ambition is to contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry in a more beautiful world.
For Pauline, her workshops are more than just creative sessions; they're unique experiences where participants can express their individuality, immerse in genuine craftsmanship, create lasting memories and join an exclusive community.
Join her to experience something that goes beyond fleeting fashion trends, exploring the sustainable foundations of true craftsmanship!
Hannah J
I had a great experience. A nice cosy calming space, great hands-on instructions, and I learnt a lot of cool new skills. I highly recommend Pauline's workshops!
Nathalie P
Atelier en soirÊe avec un horaire after work parfait. Accueil chaleureux. Explications calmes adaptÊes à chacun. La grande expÊrience de Pauline lui permet d'être efficace pour chacun. J'avais un très bon niveau pour commencer et j'ai vraiment appris de très belles techniques avec des explications parfaites sur base d'exemple et d'exercices à faire. GÊnial
Chouette après-midi de crÊation dans une ambiance cosy et bienveillante! Nous recommandons Pauline et ses ateliers à tout le monde :)
Pauline N
Super expĂŠrience avec Pauline au sein de son atelier cosy et chaleureux. Des explications très pĂŠdagogiques pour repartir avec notre beau sweat brodĂŠ, petite fiertĂŠ đ Repartie avec lâenvie de revenir pour rĂŠaliser un plus gros projet đ¤Š
Yann S
Super atelier très chaleureux et pÊdagogique avec Pauline. On ressort de là avec pleins d'idÊes se crÊations.