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Test your knowledge and taste some exceptional coffees at your venue with Thomas

Wecandoo - Test your knowledge and taste some exceptional coffees at your venue with Thomas - Image n°1
Wecandoo - Test your knowledge and taste some exceptional coffees at your venue with Thomas - Image n°2
Wecandoo - Test your knowledge and taste some exceptional coffees at your venue with Thomas - Image n°3
Wecandoo - Test your knowledge and taste some exceptional coffees at your venue with Thomas - Image n°4
Wecandoo - Test your knowledge and taste some exceptional coffees at your venue with Thomas - Image n°5
Wecandoo - Test your knowledge and taste some exceptional coffees at your venue with Thomas - Image n°6
Wecandoo - Test your knowledge and taste some exceptional coffees at your venue with Thomas - Image n°7
Wecandoo - Test your knowledge and taste some exceptional coffees at your venue with Thomas - Image n°8

2 hours of discovery with Thomas

Knowledge in coffee

A great group tasting experience


per person

The workshop in detail

  • 2h
  • 20 participants max
  • 15 years min.
  • THIS GROUP WORKSHOP WILL BE HELD AT YOUR HOME OR AT YOUR PLACE: the artisan will come to you and organise the workshop at the location of your choice, within the limits of his area and if your location meets the requirements set out in the "Practical information" section. Take part in this group workshop with your colleagues, friends or family and enjoy a unique moment of conviviality 😃.

    Ready, set, drink up!

    Thomas will be happy to join you at your venue for an exciting coffee adventure.

    First, you'll immerse yourself in a world of scents with this expert, where you'll explore exquisite aromas during the Coffee Nose stage. You'll then enjoy a varied tasting session that reveals the secrets of coffees from different terroirs.

    Then it's time for the game of the day! With your smartphone in hand, you'll take part in a dynamic quiz. Each correct answer brings you closer to winning a grand prize. It's a fun way to become a coffee expert!

    At the end of the workshop, you'll leave with a wealth of knowledge about this delicious beverage, as well as a wonderful souvenir of a moment shared with colleagues or friends!

    NB: See 'Practical information' below for workshop requirements.

    Workshop location

    This workshop is organised at your event venue in Brussels.

    This place is not accessible to people with reduced mobility.

    Additional information

    Languages of the workshop


    Practical information

    Afin d’accueillir cet atelier, assurez-vous d’avoir une salle de réunion de capacité suffisante (ou un auditorium), une bonne connexion Wifi, des câbles d'extension avec trois prises et un écran HDMI. Le quiz est interactif et connecté aux téléphones des participants. Prévoyez également un point d'eau, et une poubelle pour les liquides et les déchets de préparation du café.

    Wecandoo - Meet Thomas

    Meet Thomas

    Coffee Expert

    "One bean at a time": if you're familiar with this motto, know that Thomas has wholeheartedly embraced it! This independent consultant has undergone training with the Specialty Coffee Association while gaining experience in France, Poland, Belgium, and Estonia. He then flew to New York, where he worked for two years as an advisor and trainer.

    Returning to Europe in 2020, Thomas launched his own project, OK Coffee, dedicated to promoting and educating on specialty coffee. His goal? To inform and connect coffee enthusiasts with new trends and sustainable practices in the industry.

    As a true expert in the world of black gold, Thomas enjoys exploring it in his own way, through a road trip in Ethiopia or by conducting masterclasses on gentle methods. Calm and passionate, he now wants to share his passion and elevate the status of this under-appreciated culinary field, which is still too often undervalued.

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    per person