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Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough

Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°1
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°2
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°3
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°4
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°5
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°6
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°7
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°8
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°9
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°10
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°11
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°12
Wecandoo - Make your own organic sourdough baguette with honeycombed dough - Image nĀ°13

3 hours of discovery with Alice

Theoretical and practical knowledge of artisanal bakery

Your jar of sourdough, recipe cards, your baguette dough to bake at home and your delicious organic sourdough baguette

The workshop in detail

  • 3h
  • 15 years min.
  • 4 to 9 participants
  • Up to 9 people for a privatization
  • Alice opens the doors of her workshop to share her knowledge of artisanal sourdough baking with passion for three unique hours!

    First, you will visit the workshop and meet Alice, artisan baker.

    She will teach you the basics of the artisanal sourdough know-how that makes breads so tasty and full of nutritional benefits.

    She will then share the baking techniques that contribute to the creation of an airy crumb, full of cells, and will give you tips on how to reproduce them easily at home. You will then put this knowledge into practice by making your own organic sourdough baguette with the acquisition of key gestures: kneading, blowing, rolling, etc.Ā 

    You will then spend some time on the key gesture of shaping the baguette, which gives its characteristic shape to this delicious bread and guarantees a well-aired crumb. A nibble and we will put your baguettes in the oven.

    Tea, coffee, homemade kefir and various sourdough breads will be served while the baguettes take on a golden colour!

    Finally, you will leave with a jar of sourdough, some explanatory cards and recipes, your baguette dough to bake at home as you did together during the workshop and of course your delicious baked sourdough baguette if you haven't already devoured it!Ā 

    Workshop location

    Alice's workshop in Ixelles, just a stone's throw away from Tenbosch Park and accessible by tram.

    This place is not accessible to people with reduced mobility.

    Additional information

    Languages of the workshop


    Practical information

    N'oubliez pas de prĆ©voir un saladier ou une boite de minimum 1,5L pour ramener votre pĆ¢te Ć  pain/brioche, ainsi qu'un bocal de rĆ©cupĆ©ration pour ramener votre levain.

    Wecandoo - Meet Alice

    Meet Alice


    Alice worked in a large cosmetics company before discovering sourdough baking, first as a hobby and then as a passion that finally became a driving force for changing her career.

    She therefore decided to train at the International Bakery School in the South of France, which specialises in artisanal sourdough methods. She launched her first workshops and the pandemic period then led to a real craze for her area of baking.

    This was an opportunity for her to create a network and go to the United States to complete her training at the San Francisco Baking Institute. There, she broadened her knowledge and experience in the different leavens and types of bread (special breads and buns).

    Back in Belgium in 2021, she passed her baker's exams and then relaunched her workshops with more advanced modules and that's when it all took off!

    Always eager to share her hobby, her experience and give everyone the chance to introduce a bit of magic back into their daily life with decent, healthy products, she can't wait to welcome you to her workshop for a unique experience!


    Pauline N

    Pauline N


    Alice est trĆØs pĆ©dagogue, donne des informations trĆØs techniques dans un langage comprĆ©hensible. Je ressors d'un atelier de fabrication de baguette avec de nombreux conseils pour amĆ©liorer ma panification. Les baguettes que nous avons prĆ©parĆ©es et le pain et la brioche que nous avons dĆ©gustĆ©s Ć©taient dĆ©licieux! L'ambiance Ć©tait dĆ©contractĆ©e et agrĆ©able.

    Christine S

    Christine S


    Formation trĆØs bien faite, bien structurĆ©e, Alice met les participants Ć  l'aise, elle est trĆØs souriante, hyper professionnelle. Les 3 heures de formation sont intenses et l'on revient avec une dĆ©licieuse baguette au levain, et de quoi en faire d'autres, que demander de plus?Merci Alice

    CĆ©cile D

    CĆ©cile D


    Merci pour cette belle matinĆ©e dā€™Ć©changes. Lā€™alternance des moments pratiques et thĆ©oriques font de cet atelier une bonne formation pour la comprĆ©hension du processus de fabrication de bonne baguette au levain croustillante et alvĆ©olĆ©e.

    Evelyne L

    Evelyne L


    Beau partage d une passion dans un endroit trĆØs agrĆ©able. Organisation au top et gentillesse d Alice qui est lĆ  pour nous apprendre. On voit qu elle aime transmettre.

    Jean-Luc P

    Jean-Luc P


    Merci Alice pour ce beau partage de tes trĆØs larges compĆ©tences. Ton parcours de vie m'a impressionnĆ© ! Cela me donne envie de suivre le stage sur le pain au levain.

    LUC V

    LUC V


    Atelier baguettes super intĆ©ressant. Alice est trĆØs pĆ©dagogue, rĆ©pond clairement aux questions. Un super moment de dĆ©tente et d'apprentissage!

    FrƩdƩric F

    FrƩdƩric F


    Merci beaucoup pour cette chouette expƩrience. Quelle patience et quel merveilleux accueil :). En plus, on rentre Ơ la maison avec une baguette toute fraƮche et tout ce qu'il faut pour en faire deux autres. La famille adore et me demande d'en refaire. Atelier chaleureusement recommandƩ, vous ne serez pas dƩƧus...

    Margerie H

    Margerie H


    Merci Alice pour ce superbe atelier, nous en sommes repartis avec plein d'explications, deux belles baguettes et de la motivation pour continuer !

    M K

    M K


    J'ai beaucoup apprƩciƩ l'atelier avec Alice ; Ơ tel point que j'en ai dƩjƠ rƩservƩ 2 de plus. Ses explications Ʃtaient claires et nous avons pu comprendre et rƩaliser toutes les Ʃtapes de fabrication des baguettes. Chaleureusement recommandƩ.

    Sylvie G

    Sylvie G


    TrĆØs bel atelier, bel accueil d'Alice, belle matinĆ©e partagĆ©e avec d'autres personnes tres sympa. On y apprend non seulement Ć  faire de belles baguettes mais aussi les principes de base et les bienfaits du levain. Petite anecdote : il paraĆ®t qu'on donne un nom Ć  son levain, le mien s'appelle donc Alice Crosby šŸ˜‰

    Florence L

    Florence L


    Magnifique formation, merci beaucoup Alice, ton atelier est magnifique et tu mā€™as tres bien expliquĆ© ce beau savoir-faire. Je suis revenir avec une belle baguette et jā€™ai cuit mes autres deux baguettes ce matin. Elle sont dĆ©licieuses et croustillantes. Bravo! Je reviendrai pour apprendre dā€™autres techniques!


    per person