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Taste 4 French rums with Clara, Steven and Fabien

Wecandoo - Taste 4 French rums with Clara, Steven and Fabien - Image nĀ°1
Wecandoo - Taste 4 French rums with Clara, Steven and Fabien - Image nĀ°2
Wecandoo - Taste 4 French rums with Clara, Steven and Fabien - Image nĀ°3
Wecandoo - Taste 4 French rums with Clara, Steven and Fabien - Image nĀ°4
Wecandoo - Taste 4 French rums with Clara, Steven and Fabien - Image nĀ°5
Wecandoo - Taste 4 French rums with Clara, Steven and Fabien - Image nĀ°6

1 hour of discovery with Clara, Steven and Fabien

Knowledge of rum

A tasty tasting of 4 French rums

The workshop in detail

  • 1h
  • 18 years min.
  • 4 to 10 participants
  • Up to 10 people for a privatization
  • Join Clara, Steven and Fabien as they conquer exotic flavours!

    They invite you to take a seat at the bar and immerse yourself in the richness and diversity of French rums.

    During a guided tasting, you'll discover their history through anecdotes.

    The programme includes 4 exceptional rums. Using an aroma wheel and invaluable advice from the team, you'll explore the flavours and nuances of each glass.

    You'll also create your own tasting notebook to record your impressions and discoveries.

    Get ready to discover rum in all its forms!

    Workshop location

    Clara, Steven and Fabien's studio is just a stone's throw from the Rue Saint Maur metro stop.

    This place is not accessible to people with reduced mobility.

    Additional information

    Languages of the workshop


    Wecandoo - Meet Sarah et Fabien

    Meet Sarah et Fabien

    SpƩcialistes en spiritueux et mixologues

    Sarah et Fabien, ce sont deux fondus de bons alcools franƧais !Ā 

    L'idĆ©e de monter un bar-boutique de spiritueux artisanaux est apparu en 2020 lors d'une soirĆ©e mĆ©morable arrosĆ©e de cocktails. Depuis ils parcourent la France pour rencontrer les distillateurs du terroir. Soucieux de vous proposer le meilleur des spiritueux locaux, ils portent une attention particuliĆØre Ć  la dĆ©marche de fabrication, le goĆ»t et la beautĆ© des bouteilles !Ā 

    Chaque week-end, c'est boogie dans leur Ć©tablissement et ils affinent leurs talents de mixologues pour vous servir de superbes cocktails !Ā 

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